Benefit Concert by the New Life Quartet

Date & Location T.B.D.

New Life Quartet is led by two of their founding members, who started the group in 1980. We have enjoyed their musical talent for several years now. The have 3 Christian music CD’s recorded.

Come join us for fellowship and enjoying a wonderful event. Tickets will be available ahead of time and at the door. We will also take a good-will offering which will help purchase more filters for Haitian families.

All proceeds with go to purchase filters for the next Ouanaminthe Haiti Team distribution. The time and location will be posted as soon as the details are ironed out. 

A good-will offering will be taken to help raise funds for CitC's clean water program in Haiti. A donation of $100 will purchase 3 filters for families without clean water.

We also would ask you to consider to make a donation to the New Life Quartet. Any donations made to the group will help a young student in Africa, who they sponsor. May your hearts be big enough for both.